Prior to retiring from the marketing agency he built and led in Toronto, Peter gained a reputation as a prominent brand developer, leading existing companies and new enterprises to significant sales increases based on creating compelling brand value propositions supported by exciting communications strategies.
Peter is still called upon for his expertise to guide clients through his celebrated SPARK session to drive first-rate results. "When you take the time to develop a resilient brand," he says, "you can count on directly related positive results. There's no mystery: under-value your label and you'll under-sell your competitors. But create a bullet-proof brand value proposition and support it with dynamic, one-of-a-kind creative communications energy, then you'll see your bottom line grow."
Peter is still called upon for his expertise to guide clients through his celebrated SPARK session to drive first-rate results. "When you take the time to develop a resilient brand," he says, "you can count on directly related positive results. There's no mystery: under-value your label and you'll under-sell your competitors. But create a bullet-proof brand value proposition and support it with dynamic, one-of-a-kind creative communications energy, then you'll see your bottom line grow."